• New Moon In Taurus May 7-8, 2024

    New Moon In Taurus May 7-8, 2024


    May 7-8, 2024

    ‘’You’ve Got… the Love’’

    Every New Moon marks the beginning of a new cycle, offering us a blank canvas to create what we desire.

    It’s a time when, under the faint light, we are more connected to the subconscious and emotions, allowing us to dream, conceive, and prepare for what we want to develop and bear fruit in the phase of full bloom that comes with the Full Moon six months later.

    The New Moon occurring on May 8th at 6:22 am for Greece, at 18°.02′ Taurus, is the most creative and fertile moon of the year, bringing a breath of renewal and giving you the opportunity to plant new seeds of intention and make real beginnings in a house-area of your life.

    Taurus, the first fixed earth sign, represents the need for protection, security, harmony,stability, and is the stage where we gather and maintain what is necessary to ensure survival and prosperity.

    This is also the exaltation position of the Moon, which, combined with Venus, also in Taurus and in rulership, enhances the need for joy, harmony, social life, earthly pleasures, physical contact, abundance, and the ability to attract them.

    A feminine Yin energy that allows us to enjoy comforts and the simple joys of life, to be centered, present, grounded, self-sufficient, more connected to our emotions and the natural world. To make new beginnings that will have a positive evolution over the next six months in matters related to love, finances, property, nutrition, beauty, talents, aesthetics.

    So, how do you take care of yourself and how do you utilize your natural gifts?

    What is precious to you and brings you joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment, and what can you do to cultivate it, maintain it, and ensure that it will have stability and growth?

    In this new lunar cycle, and with five celestial bodies in Taurus, Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus, you will need to see the possible emotional or financial deficiencies, the values and securities that may have changed and decide to invest in what now has a real meaning for you.

    With Jupiter and Venus combust, due to their proximity to the Sun, we are called to operate more spiritually this time with the energies of benefactors. Mostly because under the strong light of the Sun, the planets are subdued and require introspection and purification in order to bestow us their gifts.

    Take a moment to focus on your inner journey and seek guidance from your inner wisdom. Recognize that material possessions and the external world alone cannot fill inner voids, and that happiness is an internal matter, found when you manage to feel whole, complete, and secure within yourself.

    The New Moon is particularly special as it illuminates the Uranus-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus that preceded it on April 21st, which was an invitation to break free from programming related to security, finances, survival, and reinvent prosperity and growth.

    Under these electric energies, you can no longer deny evolution and find yourself unable to continue in a certain area of your life in the same ways. Perhaps you need to break the bonds of habit, let go of attachments, and dare to make changes, big or small, in your environment, personal and social life, and professional endeavors to upgrade yourself and open the door to true abundance.

    Move away from the false sense of security to find the inner one. Connect with reliable, genuine, authentic people who support you, inspire you, resonate more with your frequency, and help you evolve.

    Uranus represents the power of awakening, innovation, and revolution, magnified by benefic Jupiter. As the Sun and the Moon converge with Uranus, they show you how much you have changed and grown, and how much you need changes in an area of your life that even if you have been avoiding, new circumstances are emerging to impose them.

    Mercury now direct, after its third conjunction with Chiron in Aries, has unlocked something new in your perception and given you the clarity to transcend personal limitations and mental obstacles, gain a new understanding of your unresolved wounds, and forgive past weaknesses and mistakes.

    This aspect, illuminated by the recent solar eclipse, has revealed new heroes in the collective, making the voice of students against war heard globally. Now it completes and reveals its purpose.

    A celestial event that gives us the choice to be more decisive, express freely what we previously dared not, and collectively write a new chapter in our healing journey.

    The harmonious sextile of the New Moon with Saturn provides us with a safety net, wisdom, and experience that can protect us. An energy that allows you to commit to your vision for the future, lay the foundations to build your dreams, and liberate yourself from what you don’t need. Have the required patience, discipline, responsibility, and do what it takes to achieve long-term goals that will bring steady progress and success.

    Moreover, this moon is imbued with a fertile, fortunate, and creative energy, based on the Venus-Jupiter and Venus-Uranus midpoints it activates, foreshadowing warm social and interpersonal relationships, generosity, new experiences, and happy events, such as marriages, births, and unexpected gains.

    In addition, the favorable trine of the New Moon with the asteroid Ceres from ambitious Capricorn, ensures resoursces, support, and the nurturing we need, giving us the opportunity to embrace our transformative power and self-worth, honor our needs, and lay the foundations to blossom.

    While growth and abundance will be for everyone, the new cycle opening up will be particularly significant for you if you belong to the Fixed signs of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius at 16°-22° degrees, and it rewards you separately if you belong to Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer at the corresponding degrees of the signs.

    The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon, ‘A Newly Formed Continent,’ is revealing and leaves no room for doubt about the new levels of manifestation and its dynamics.

    A new reality, a new Earth, a new Frequency for humanity, for the world, and for You has already been born!

    Just as the formation of a continent requires emerging from the ocean or separating from a unified land, we are now given access to new immense creative forces emerging from the boundless Ocean of possibilities, to change our lives and shape something entirely new.

    We just need to be liberated from prejudices, old patterns, and programming that often ‘subtract’ from our happiness, stay open to new possibilities, with gratitude and in abundance consciousness.

    So that we don’t compromise our dreams and believe that we have everything we need to receive the blessings.

    Wishing a Blessed New Moon!🌙✨☮🕊

    With love❤❤❤

    Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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