• Spring Equinox & Energies of the Week March 18-24, 2024

    Spring Equinox & Energies of the Week March 18-24, 2024



    March 18-24, 2024🌀✨🪁

    Reflecting on the week just passed, we’ve been enveloped in gentle, ethereal, and dreamy energies brought by the New Moon and the gathering of planets in Pisces

    These celestial influences may have momentarily led us to set aside earthly concerns, allowing us to perceive through the eyes of the soul and connect with ourselves and others on a deeper level. This period has offered us many gifts and lessons, spirituality, compassion, empathy…

    We’ve had the opportunity to become keen observers of life, discerning truths from distortions, internally preparing for our desired developments, and gaining inspiration and higher guidance to manifest our dreams and aspirations.

    As we bid farewell to the winter season and a phase of introspection and reflection, the Sun enters Aries, heralding the beginning of a new era and the astrological new year. While the energies of eclipses intensify, leading up to the first Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25th, we sense destabilization and the imminent arrival of significant changes that will set us on a path to rewrite our story.

    🌀✨On Monday, March 18th, we are influenced by the annual conjunction of the Sun with spiritual Neptune, which occurred on March 17th. This celestial alignment allowed us to take the necessary breaks and withdraw into ourselves, to dwell more in our dreams and imagination. It prompted us to release the constraints of ego and connect with others, other dimensions, and the magic of life, operating from a heightened level of consciousness.

    And it is in these moments, we are reminded that we are souls inhabiting human bodies, transcending the roles, identities, and labels that often define us.

    It’s a time to make peace with our inner sacred selves, achieving personal transcendence and miracles by surrendering control of our lives to something greater.

    This is an opportunity to focus on spiritual or artistic pursuits that serve as lifeboats, guiding us through waves of immersion and the maze of illusions.

    With the Moon in its waxing phase and having formed the First Quarter🌓 in Gemini♊ we are lifted from inertia, experiencing increased mental alertness, curiosity, enthusiasm, and a penchant for inquiry. This disposition encourages us to gather information and ideas, taking the first steps toward realizing the dreams and goals we set at the beginning of the New Lunar Cycle.

    While the square aspect between the Moon, the Sun, and Neptune may present emotional challenges, obstacles, and disappointments, it is within the mirror of Gemini that we can discover a multitude of options and realize the need to detach from emotions, break free from illusions, addictions, attachments and make adaptations to progress forward.

    🌀✨On Tuesday, March 19th, Mercury aligns with the North Node at 15°degrees Aries ♈ offering us “encounters” of destiny and the opportunity to share ideas and knowledge, and explore new paths of growth and support. However, as Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow phase, we are granted the chance to reassess and renegotiate whatever challenges arise during this time.

    🌀✨Furthermore, the conjunction of Mercury with Chiron on March 20th, at 18° Aries ♈which will recur on April 15th and May 6th, presents old or new challenges for individuals with significant placements near this point in their charts, particularly those related to expression, communication, learning, and cognition.

    This period invites us to gain fresh insights, alter our internal narratives, and restore self-confidence to address what isn’t optimally functioning.

    The symbolism of this conjunction, represented by the Sabian as a “Magic Carpet,” suggests the potential for transcending obstacles. Here, solutions and pathways out of difficulties and wounds may emerge unexpectedly, especially if approached with a novel perspective through discussion, and administration.

    Thus, this presents an opportunity for heightened self-awareness, prompting us to reposition ourselves and recognize that our own thoughts often hinder our progress. Consequently, if directly impacted, it’s imperative to articulate and address whatever troubles or blocks us, thereby seizing the potential for healing.

    🌀✨On Wednesday, March 20th, the life-giving Sun enters Aries ♈bestowing upon us the opportunity to embrace fresh experiences, ideas, goals, and perspectives. Initiating its new journey from the 1st degree of the zodiac, the Sun heralds a new era and astrological year, urging us to definitively release the old and embark on a journey of renewal across body, spirit, and mind.

    This moment invites us to align with new endeavors, challenges, and possibilities, marking a potent moment for spiritual and personal growth.

    As our fervor, motivation, and creative spark return, and we reconnect with our unique essence, now is the opportune moment to set intentions for what we wish to manifest in the new astrological year and elevate our energy to welcome the new with the highest vibration possible.

    🌀✨On Thursday, March 21st, the Sun forms its first sextile with Pluto from the 1st degree of Aquarius, gifting us with newfound regenerative power and profound opportunities for inner transformation and healing. This energy empowers us individually and collectively to aspire towards grander objectives, harnessing technological advancements and the collective strength to pursue them. It serves as a protective and potent influence, particularly enhancing personal magnetism and empowerment for those with placements in early degrees of air and fire signs, attracting steadfast supporters and enabling the surmounting of even the most daunting challenges.

    🌀✨As Friday, March 22nd dawns, the conjunction of Venus with Saturn in 12° Pisces ♓ prompts us to shoulder the burdens of loved ones, make mature decisions, and take accountability for our emotions, relationships, creativity, and finances. Whether it involves investing time, resources, and energy into significant relationships or creative endeavors, making necessary adjustments, or disengaging from limiting circumstances, this conjunction underscores the allure of maturity, simplicity, practicality, good boundaries and timelessness. Relationships and investments—both material and emotional—that have demonstrated their value, stability, and endurance over time hold the potential for renewal and growth, especially with Venus forming a favorable interaction with Jupiter.

    🌀✨On Saturday, March 23rd, Mars enters the compassionate waters of Pisces ♓ where it will reside until April 30th, inspiring us with fresh motives to mobilize, persevere, and advocate.

    Guided by emotion, ideals, and illuminated consciousness, we draw strength from the sea of compassion in Pisces to extend empathy and support to those in need, fight for noble causes, and illuminate our own lives and those of others.

    🌀✨With Venus also positioned in Pisces♓ forming a sextile with Jupiter at 15° Taurus on Sunday, March 24th, we are encouraged to believe in our capacity to succeed and not lose sight of our goal.

    Through a profound and boundless love that transcends personal desires and expectations, we can align ourselves with abundance—spiritual, emotional, and physical—recognize its presence in every moment and perform both small and significant miracles, from an enlightened space of intention, connection, and love.

    Wishing you a week filled with blessings and abundance✨🕊☮

    With love❤❤❤

    Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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